Gabriel Dos Reis
2006-09-12 15:16:18 UTC
I thought Axiom had an algebra support for Gaussian Integers. It
seems my perception may be wrong...
(6) -> unitNormal(3 + 4 * %i)
(6) [unit= 1,canonical= 3 + 4%i,associate= 1]
Type: Record(unit: Complex Integer,canonical: Complex Integer,associate: Complex Integer)
(7) -> unitNormal(-3 + 4 * %i)
(7) ->
(7) [unit= %i,canonical= 4 + 3%i,associate= - %i]
Type: Record(unit: Complex Integer,canonical: Complex Integer,associate: Complex Integer)
(8) -> divide(459 + 9 * %i + 8 - 5 * %i)
There are no library operations named divide having 1 argument(s)
though there are 2 exposed operation(s) and 2 unexposed
operation(s) having a different number of arguments. Use HyperDoc
Browse, or issue
)what op divide
to learn what operations contain " divide " in their names, or
)display op divide
to learn more about the available operations.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named
divide with argument type(s)
Complex Integer
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
(8) -> factor(83 + 8 * %i)
Loading /usr/local/axiom/mnt/linux/algebra/GAUSSFAC.o for package
Loading /usr/local/axiom/mnt/linux/algebra/MODRING.o for domain
Loading /usr/local/axiom/mnt/linux/algebra/INTFACT.o for package
Loading /usr/local/axiom/mnt/linux/algebra/FR.o for domain Factored
(8) - %i(3 + 20%i)(4 + %i)
Type: Factored Complex Integer
Any idea where the divide() for Gaussian Integers is hiding? (none of
the four divides seems to be applicable)
-- Gaby
I thought Axiom had an algebra support for Gaussian Integers. It
seems my perception may be wrong...
(6) -> unitNormal(3 + 4 * %i)
(6) [unit= 1,canonical= 3 + 4%i,associate= 1]
Type: Record(unit: Complex Integer,canonical: Complex Integer,associate: Complex Integer)
(7) -> unitNormal(-3 + 4 * %i)
(7) ->
(7) [unit= %i,canonical= 4 + 3%i,associate= - %i]
Type: Record(unit: Complex Integer,canonical: Complex Integer,associate: Complex Integer)
(8) -> divide(459 + 9 * %i + 8 - 5 * %i)
There are no library operations named divide having 1 argument(s)
though there are 2 exposed operation(s) and 2 unexposed
operation(s) having a different number of arguments. Use HyperDoc
Browse, or issue
)what op divide
to learn what operations contain " divide " in their names, or
)display op divide
to learn more about the available operations.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named
divide with argument type(s)
Complex Integer
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
(8) -> factor(83 + 8 * %i)
Loading /usr/local/axiom/mnt/linux/algebra/GAUSSFAC.o for package
Loading /usr/local/axiom/mnt/linux/algebra/MODRING.o for domain
Loading /usr/local/axiom/mnt/linux/algebra/INTFACT.o for package
Loading /usr/local/axiom/mnt/linux/algebra/FR.o for domain Factored
(8) - %i(3 + 20%i)(4 + %i)
Type: Factored Complex Integer
Any idea where the divide() for Gaussian Integers is hiding? (none of
the four divides seems to be applicable)
-- Gaby