[Axiom-math] Re: [fricas-devel] Re: Building the Aldor interface on FriCAS or OpenAxiom
Bill Page
2007-11-11 20:13:37 UTC

After a little more fighting with the src_aldor2.tgz makefile, I have
finally managed to build the Aldor interface in FriCAS. As Peter said,
a patch to Axiom's 'hashType' was necessary to make this work. I now
have Axiom (FriCAS) with Aldor 1.1.0 (including Peter's most recent
patch to Aldor for destructing in for-loops), installed and working at
the new Axiom wiki:


Note: The build instructions here are still not up to date. I will get
to that later today.

On this system we have Axiom (FriCAS) and Aldor built with:

Aldor: Rev 16
FriCAS: Rev 123

If you have a chance, please give this a test and let me know if you
find any problems.

My plan next is to incorporate a preliminary version of the build
script into the FriCAS distribution so that building the interface
(should) become easier.

Bill Page.
Gabriel Dos Reis
2007-11-11 20:59:45 UTC
"Bill Page" <***@newsynthesis.org> writes:


| My plan next is to incorporate a preliminary version of the build
| script into the FriCAS distribution so that building the interface
| (should) become easier.

Do you plan similar scripts for OpenAxiom?

-- Gaby
Bill Page
2007-11-11 21:08:48 UTC
Post by Gabriel Dos Reis
| My plan next is to incorporate a preliminary version of the build
| script into the FriCAS distribution so that building the interface
| (should) become easier.
Do you plan similar scripts for OpenAxiom?
Yes, I think the same build script will work for both FriCAS and
OpenAxiom. I will let you know in a few days.

Bill Page
Bill Page
2007-12-15 21:18:11 UTC
1) do you think you could already
incorporate a preliminary version of the build script into the
FriCAS distribution so that building the interface (should)
become easier.
I was planning to do this but got sidetracked on other subjects. I
would be glad to help you do it.
2) is the patch to 'hashType' already in FriCAS, or do I have
to apply it myself?
It is not yet in FriCAS. You could submit at patch.
many thanks,
Let me know how I can help.

Bill Page.
Martin Rubey
2007-12-15 19:50:58 UTC
Dear Bill, Peter, Waldek,

two questions concerning the axiom-aldor interface:

1) do you think you could already
incorporate a preliminary version of the build script into the FriCAS
distribution so that building the interface (should) become easier.
2) is the patch to 'hashType' already in FriCAS, or do I have to apply it

many thanks,

