[Axiom-math] domain of the function
Гайворонская Светлана
2009-09-18 13:03:29 UTC

I have a big question about equations solving and the tolerance range
(domain of the function). Does axiom capable to have the deal with domain of
the function when its solving equation?

Best regards and thanks a lot
Bill Page
2009-09-22 02:39:22 UTC

I am sorry but I do not understand your question. Perhaps you could
give some examples of the type of solution for which you are looking?
Axiom does deal with functions defined over specified domains, e.g.
the domain of rational numbers or the domain of arbitrary precession
floating point numbers and will attempt to use methods appropriate to
the domain. There are also ways to specify the desired precession of
the answer. There are more than 33 variants of the solve command in
Axiom and several more relating to root finding and zeros.

Bill Page.
Post by Гайворонская Светлана
I have a big question about equations solving and the tolerance range
(domain of the function). Does axiom capable to have the deal with domain
of the function when its solving equation?
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