Post by Raymond E. RogersSorry to show my ignorance but how do I trace "solve()" ? I had it
once, and lost it.
See HyperDoc -> Settings -> Commands -> )trace
you can say
)tr SYSSOLP )ops solve )ma
Three comments:
* you have to know in which package/domain/category the operation you want to
trace is defined. You can find out by using ")set message bottom on" (short
")se me bo on")
* the argument ")ma" to ")trace" makes axiom display the arguments of the
invoked functions using output$OutputPackage rather than raw lisp
formatting. This is very useful, except if you are tracing output, since in
the latter case it will cause infinite loops. There are also other occassions
where )ma causes infinite loops, unfortunately. It's rare, though.
* At first it usually makes more sense to trace all of a package, but you know
that, I suppose.
Are you trying to tackle one of the solver issues? Or are you going to document
the solver routines?