1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Your questions have definite answers in category theory
and since Aldor is *almost* doing category theory, it's tempting
to think that the categorical answers to your questions are really
what should naturally fit into the language. I wrote up something
trying this out for the 2001 workshop
I still think that this is a good way to look for flaws in
the language - implement category theory and see what
goes wrong.
probably I really do not want the members of domains to be domains butand since Aldor is *almost* doing category theory, it's tempting
to think that the categorical answers to your questions are really
what should naturally fit into the language. I wrote up something
trying this out for the 2001 workshop
I still think that this is a good way to look for flaws in
the language - implement category theory and see what
goes wrong.
rather (nullary) operations which in Spad and Aldor is what they
really *are*, e.g. zero:()->%, one:()->%
Bill Page.