[Axiom-math] Axiom survey article
David Joyner
2008-06-03 22:09:02 UTC
I'm told my SIGSAM Bull (now called Comm in Comp Alg) survey on Axiom
will appear very soon. The latest version (which is a year old) is at
I know there are several updates which should be made but
I wanted to email the axiom/fricas/openaxiom lists in case anyone has
suggestions or announcements they wanted included. Please let me
know ASAP if you do, since I only have today and tomorrow
to make changes.
- David Joyner
David Joyner
2008-06-03 22:08:39 UTC
I'm told my SIGSAM Bull (now called Comm in Comp Alg) survey on Axiom
will appear very soon. The latest version (which is a year old) is at
I know there are several updates which should be made but
I wanted to email the axiom/fricas/openaxiom lists in case anyone has
suggestions or announcements they wanted included. Please let me
know ASAP if you do, since I only have today and tomorrow
to make changes.
- David Joyner
2008-06-04 00:38:36 UTC
In general, it seems that you've picked up some information from
Bill Page's wiki web site. There is no longer any association
between Axiom and that website.

Comments on the bulletin:

"Axiom's latest release is 3.0 (as of September 2007)"
should read
"Axiom's latest release is May 2008."

Axiom uses Month-Year format for release numbers.
There are no "point release" numbers.

p2: Waldek Hebische ==> Waldek Hebisch

p3: "Perhaps it is only a matter of semantics, but the Axiom website
says that Axiom has one language - SPAD is version 1 and Aldor is
version 2. In any case, at this time, Aldor is only available as a
binary executable, and not as source code (except "by request").

The axiom website (http://axiom.axiom-developer.org) doesn't contain
that remark that I know of.

Also, Aldor source code is available.

p3: "Another useful aspect of the Axiom website is the excellent
webpage providing a comparison between CAS's

should read

p4: Axiom documentation

p4: Axiom source code

also: "Compiling can be difficult."...eh? I'm unaware of any
difficulties in compiling for any of the operating systems listed on
the download site. You only need to set the AXIOM shell variable and
type "make". See axiom.axiom-developer.org/axiom-website/download.html

p4: Axiom is not available for Sage. Fricas is. They are not the
same thing. I believe the Sage package is fricas-0.3.1 but I do
not know for sure. Check with Michael.

p4: The official Axiom mailing list is:

p9: To find out more please visit

should read


David Joyner
2008-06-03 22:33:17 UTC
I'm told my SIGSAM Bull (now called Comm in Comp Alg) survey on Axiom
will appear very soon. The latest version (which is a year old) is at
I know there are several updates which should be made but
I wanted to email the axiom/fricas/openaxiom lists in case anyone has
suggestions or announcements they wanted included. Please let me
know ASAP if you do, since I only have today and tomorrow
to make changes.
- David Joyner
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