[Axiom-math] SPAD Contest - most beautiful example
Martin Rubey
2008-01-20 12:34:07 UTC
Dear all,

frequently I'm asked how programming in SPAD looks like. I then usually show
some function I'm just using, but that's quite unsatisfactory, because people
won't really understand.

So, the winning operation has to satisfy the following criteria:

* must be in the current algebra (i.e., SPAD, not interpreter code!)

* it's purpose should be relatively easy to grasp (say, math undergraduates)

* the mathematics behind it should be easy (say, math undergraduates)

* it should not be more than about 10 lines long

* it should be *beautiful*.

I'm curiously awaiting proposals.


PS: tomorrow and Tuesday I'm presenting axiom to students again (as free
alternative to MMA). I'm competing with maxima and sage, each of us has a
half-hour slot.
2008-01-20 16:45:12 UTC
I don't know about the "beautiful" part but DHMATRIX is a
fully documented domain that is
* in the current algebra
* is easy to grasp
* the math is easy
* each matrix is a few lines long

DHMATRIX is used to generate the graphics in the center of the Jenks
book. These matrices are also used in robotics, as the chapter explains.


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